Saturday, December 8, 2012

Video Marketing Tips to Increase Your Return on Investment

If your company is going to employ the use of web videos and you want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment then there are a few things you should learn about how to use these videos to their full potential. There are a number of web video strategies that can be employed, each with their own benefits, and all of which can help you to attract new customers and ultimately raise revenues. Although the standard location for the placement of videos is on the homepage, there are a number of other equally productive placement options which offer the probability of drastically increasing your number of hits.

One strategic use for videos can be as a means of filling in blank 404 pages. When a visitor reaches a page of your site which no longer exists, as opposed to meeting an empty page, losing interest, and leaving the site, they would be presented with a video. This video can be used to alert the visitor to existing or upcoming products or services, future sales, or any other significant marketing messages. This method only furthers the goal of keeping the visitor's attention as long as possible as well as presenting them with further information and increasing your opportunity for sales.

Videos can also be used as a form of sales letter to help attract customers and stimulate business. These videos can either be placed on the product page of your site, or shared through such sites as YouTube. Much like a customary sales letter, these videos will function to educate viewers about specific products and services. However, unlike a traditional sales letter, a video can convey the information in a more dynamic and stimulating way, increasing the likelihood that it will hold the viewer's attention and that the message will be fully conveyed.

Yet another useful video marketing tool to be taken advantage of is the ScreenCam video. These education oriented videos can be used as a means of demonstrating a product or service to potential customers. These web videos can be embedded in your website, placed on social media pages, or inserted into SEO articles in order to increase your number of hits.

Perhaps one of the most highly effective methods of video marketing is the use of one-time offer videos. These videos are presented to the customer as a one chance only opportunity at a product, service, or sale, making clear that once the opportunity passes there is no going back. By stressing to the viewer the need for immediate decision making a sense of urgency is instilled in them, driving them to make a purchase.

A less well known, yet exceedingly successful marketing strategy is the use of video thank you notes. When someone has registered to receive emails from your company, or when a customer makes a purchase through your website, a video thank you note will be presented to them thanking them for their interest or business and offering them special deals in the future, and driving further sales.

In this digital age of business video marketing has become one of the most productive means of driving sales for your business. While each of these marketing strategies comes with its own benefits, it is important for you to take into consideration which of these tactics, or combination thereof, is the most relevant for your business as the ultimate goal of any video marketing campaign is for you and your business to make a substantial return on your investment.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

Article Video Marketing Benefits

Traditionally writing articles has always been a great way of getting traffic back to a website. There are many article directories out there to choose from. When your article is syndicated you can expect your message to spread even further. Now with the introduction of article video marketing things just got even better.

An article can be written on just about any topic imaginable. There is no formal structure, but it is a good idea to add an introduction, a series of paragraphs making up the body and a conclusion. Written articles bring a lot of pleasure for many people as they can be informative, educational, humorous and also thought provoking.

Articles as a video marketing tool

What is a video article and why is it good for marketing? Well, it is essentially an article in visual as opposed to written text format. You can still use the article as it is in the video and simply narrate it.

Some people may have poor eyesight and have difficulty concentrating on a written article. This is where a video article serves its purpose. The audio from the video can be enough to capture the attention of the viewer.

Having an engaging video can bring you article video marketing traffic. This is good for not only getting subscribers, but also for selling any product or service you may have.

How to create an article video

To create an article video you need a tool to convert the article into video. You could use something such as Microsoft PowerPoint to do this. It can be time consuming so you may wish to consider outsourcing it to someone who specialises in this kind of work.

The article is brought into the package as text and then formatted until it looks presentable. You will want to use only parts of the written article and keep the sentences small. Nobody wants to read endless text in a video as it kind of defeats the whole purpose. Keep it simple and make sure your video runs for no more than say two minutes. People have short attention spans at times and the last thing you want is for them to start nodding off.

Once your article is converted into video it is time to load it up onto the video sharing sites. The most popular one is YouTube and this site will get you a lot of viewers and traffic back to your website. Make sure you add your link in the video description as well as to the video itself. Choose a keyword rich title for your video also.


If you are making use of article video marketing then you are keeping ahead of your competitors. Not many are marketing in this way. Write a good article that is informative and have it converted into video. By spreading your message in diverse ways you are increasing the likelihood of getting sales and customers.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   

High Quality Graphics And Your Video Marketing Business

Regardless of whether your video marketing business provides products and services online or offline, high excellent graphics can play an important role. You've heard it time and time again, "a picture's worth a thousand words," and that's true when you opt for high excellent graphics.

Let's first look at offline businesses. Just how regularly do you see products which do not offer some time of graphic packaging designed to help sell the merchandise, and it works? Consumer testing has shown that when you have two identical items - one with simple packaging and one with snappy high quality graphics - the latter will sell.

Can you imagine visiting the shop to purchase a bottle of orange juice and all that was on the packaging were the words "orange juice." Would you buy this orange juice or would you pick the one right beside that looked professionally packaged with colorful graphic components which were attractive and appealing to the appetite? The automobile industry, communication industry, and food industry all know how significant good quality graphics attached to their products really are. If the auto industry can sell autos with plain sheets of paper with only the vehicle information, do you actually think they'd go to the price of printing those enticing color pamphlets? They provide them mainly because they work.

The examples are never-ending but you get the thought. The effectiveness of high quality graphics is even more evident online. Any person can sell online as long as they have a computer and a connection to the internet. Because of this, there has been a surge of online businesses and a very competitive market has evolved. Making sales online is not as simple as one might think. There is the high level of competition, the discomfort that still exists by customers, and perception, which all influence whether a visitor chooses to complete a purchase. When your site is considered a safe and secure place to shop, visitors will buy. The usage of graphics can help to achieve that feeling, and quality graphics will also attract visitors creating a good buying experience.

Graphic design is certainly critical to the great results of your online and offline business. As a result, you should hand it over to the pros to make the ideal images for your business, and also the placement of those images. Whatever you do, never assume that some clip art or just any picture will get the job done. Thousands upon thousands of businesses before you have been unsuccessful because of this one little mistake. Never let your business become one of the statistics.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   

Why Apply Video Marketing on the Internet

The meaning of the internet video marketing idea is: A promotion plan utilized by companies to advertise goods and services, by applying a quick, edifying clip, to encourage attentiveness to potential buyers about anything the company can provide. Internet video marketing is a really successful way to influence your potential buyers and advertising your goods and services.

The application of an Internet video can pass along numerous benefits. It is an excellent promotion device and can leave strong impressions on your audience. It includes the benefits of the archetypal television advertisement plus interactivity, the Internet's most significant element.

An online video ad can affect a visitor's ability of being considerably more open to what you can provide them. Internet marketing is much cheaper than a basic television advertisement because is not as costly to create and it is much simpler to reach visitors and potential buyers.

Advantages of Internet Video Promotion

It is pretty common today that individuals love to sit in front of a screen (whether it be a television or a computer) opposed to skimming text. Info can be provided more quickly through pictures than through textual content.

A benefit that these internet marketing videos possess above former, more customary methods is that these clips can hit the main point much more quickly and thusly eat up a lesser amount of the potential buyer's treasured time. This is good news for a web skimmer, who may breeze over textual content sites, attempting to understand the information without as much as a backwards glance. You now can produce that exact message in a more appealing, successful method and in a far shorter amount of time.

Online marketing videos can be utilized when a smaller company wants to advertise a single or several items or services. They influence prospective leads visually and since most individuals now use the Internet to look for answers, provided swiftly, online marketing videos are the next likely path to satisfying an Internet users necessity for answers.

In Deduction

Internet marketing videos can give you the chance to express your company's information to individuals more efficiently and properly than in the past years. Apply these videos to show individuals the difference between you and your competition and to set yourself and your company above all others. As soon as you decide to use videos as a portion of your total marketing strategy, you will be able to see just how much more involving and convincing it is compared to other forms of marketing. It snags the viewers attention more quickly and relays your data to possible customers more quickly than basic textual content.

Lastly, make sure your web video is not too lengthy. In general, it should not extend longer than a minute. Internet browsers become uninterested easily and an extensive video clip can have them clicking off your site and onto your competitor's site. In these fast-paced times, individuals juggle demanding lives and do not like to spend a lot of time trying to hunt something down. Remember not to just use your video to sell but to explain, edify, and clarify!

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Internet Marketing Videos - A New Way to Communicate   

Salon Business Marketing Tools: Video Mistakes to Avoid

Marketing your salon via Internet video like YouTube can be very lucrative for your business. Unfortunately many hair stylists, makeup artists and salon owners forget some key points when creating their salon videos to market to the public.

I am going to give you (5) business marketing tips you need to know before you pick up the camera and upload for the world to see. Following these tips will set you apart from your competition and lay the foundation for generating more traffic to your salon which equals More Money, More Clients, More Money, More Clients. Let's jump in!

Pre-Video Marketing Tips:

Define yourself. You can define yourself by focusing on your skills. You are an artist and if you do not define what you do and how you do it someone else will. When you are creating your salon video for marketing this needs to be clear. It is your image and it is what people will remember about you.

Professionalism Counts: The way you create and format you salon marketing video is what the world will remember about you, your salon business and your skills. If your video looks messy, dark, has lots of background noise, etc. it speaks about how you conduct business. Even though it's a video, remember it's the first impression your future clients will have about you and your salon.

It's a Numbers Game: Don't give up too soon. The more people who know about you and what you do the more traffic you will have. Set your mind to think positive and to be patient when you are creating your videos. Traffic may be slow initially but over time especially if you use the techniques I've outlined in Salon Video Marketing for YouTube, you will see the traffic to your salon videos and salon website increase dramatically. This means you will have more exposure and the more exposure you have the more calls you will get.

Be the Expert: A lot of times salon owners, hair stylist, beauty professionals in general think the more they show people about what all they can do the more clients you will have. Studies, show that when you focus on a specialty or what we call a niche market you it separates you from the crowd and allows you to stand out and be heard. This is what YOU want. You want to be the expert in your field. The expert in color, the expert in extensions, weave, natural hair, etc.

Search Engine Optimization: So, of course you are the greatest asset in this video BUT the only way people know that you are all of that and a bag of chips is if they can find you. Which is Being able to optimize your videos for the Internet. Optimizing meaning people being able to find must know how to use keywords, titles, features of YouTube and so much more. Researching before you create your salon marketing video is going to be your best friend. Discover the mistakes that keep salon owners poor. The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   

YouTube Marketing Tips You May Have Never Thought Of Before

YouTube is the number 3 ranked site on the internet. Now when I say they are number 3, I mean that they get the third most traffic of all of the sites on the internet. The number 2 site is Facebook, and the number 1 spot is Google. The number 4 spot is Yahoo. You can utilize all of these websites to get you more traffic, and to help you make more money online.

Now let's get back to YouTube for a moment. This is a website where millions of people everyday visit to view their favorite videos. Some people go there to watch highlights of sport games. Some people go there to watch their favorite music video. Some people go there to learn how to do something. And some people go there everyday, that would be a great candidate for you and your business.

To make YouTube work, you need to have something catchy. When YouTube displays your video in the video's list on the right side of the page, they don't start off with an image from the very beginning of the video. YouTube shuffles your video and whatever image it lands on, that will be the image that is displayed in the list.

So you will want to have a video of yourself being shown all across the video. But if you're a bit camera shy and don't want people to see you on YouTube, you can always create a video without being shown. You can create something which is called a "Screencast".

A screencast is simply a video where you record your movements and directions on your computer. You will need a software to do this for you. 2 great tools to do this with is something called Camstudio and Camtasia. Camstudio is free and is a tool that I use also when making videos on my computer.

Once you have your video created, it's time to start marketing it. You will need lots of views to attract people over to your videos. Sometimes some videos don't get viewed as much as other videos, but that's okay. You can always create more videos to make up for the lack of views that your current videos are giving you.

YouTube is a great way to promote yourself and your business. Some people will even take your video and embed it onto their website - thereby giving you more exposure (assuming if you list your website link at the bottom of the video). This is a great way to make your video go viral.

YouTube can bring you a ton of traffic if you know how to use it correctly. Always keep learning how to make YouTube effective for you, and you will be good to go. It's the number 3 ranked site on the internet, and has a lot of traffic to share for you and your website.

Take these tips and use them to implement a YouTube marketing campaign that can work for you. The more you implement these tips, the more money you will make on a daily basis.

Good luck with marketing your business online with YouTube.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   

Small Business Internet Marketing For Increased Sales

Big changes have taken place over the years in the way we do business. We now live in both an offline and online world and business can play a major part in both. For a small business the benefits have never been so strong. There is a lot of scope for small business internet marketing.

Any business needs to be aware that online video is important to getting sales and increasing profitability. You should certainly aim for a small business internet marketing presence to increase sales.

Keep in mind these statistics

Today YouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine There has been a huge increase in online video content Online video accounts for more than 60% of all internet traffic 26 billion online videos are viewed each month in the USA

Today people use the internet in a variety of ways. We can now view online video content on iPad's, blackberry phones, iPhones, Android phones, tablet computers, etc. Not only that, but Wi-Fi connections are increasingly popular, allowing us to access content in public places.

Something to be aware of when doing small business internet marketing is that there are 4 times as many mobile device users as there are internet users. Also 33% of phones make use of high speed data services.

You can see how things have moved on over the years just by these statistics alone. We now do business in different ways and really you need to hang out where your customers are likely to be.

Historically in order to promote yourself you would have to create a costly TV commercial. Possibly take out a yellow pages advert or create a radio spot. There are now more possibilities and small business internet local marketing can make an impact. You really should be looking at this right now.

Are you thinking people are not looking for your business or product? Well think again because there are so many ways now that they can find you if only you put yourself out there.

For example, social media is now very popular. Think Facebook and the millions of worldwide users it has. There is also YouTube, MySpace etc. As part of small business internet marketing, some make use of Twitter to get their message out there.

Why web video will benefit your local business

Increase your customer base

Who really likes to read long sales page text when they can watch a shorter video which conveys the same message? Video enables you to attract a bigger audience.

Easy access to content

With so many portable devices in use today, it is now possible to watch video anywhere. You really need your product in video form, so that people can watch.

Connect with your potential customers

A text based sales page cannot compete with a video sales page. If you create a video as part of your small business internet marketing strategy, you could add photos to create even more impact. Because people have grown up with television they are used to visual formats. It makes sense that they will also love video content.

Keep ahead of the competitors

If you have a plumbing business for example and your website contains a lot of text sales pages then someone who has online video on their page is going to get ahead of you. Their site will be found in Google, but so will their videos also.

You are losing business to your competitor. This would be the site that has the small business internet marketing focus also.

Get your video in the search engine rankings

Google now shows video as part of their search results. Someone can type in say 'cars' and text web pages as well as YouTube videos will be returned. Why don't you get your own videos in the search results and see how this can benefit your sales.

The viral effect

Today it is possible to share any online content you like. If someone likes your video then they can click a button and share it with friends. This means your video content goes viral.

The more people that see it, the more people will visit your website. This means more profit for your business of course. This is how you should be doing small business internet marketing as it will give tremendous exposure for your business.

Don't keep on losing sales by using out-dated marketing methods. Things have now moved on and you need to keep pace.

Video content to use

You won't be short of ideas.

Here are some to get you started:

How to videos Useful hints and tips Describe your company Describe your product and create a review Convert the sales pages into video sales pages Convert articles into video content

Let's look at one of those ideas. How would a video sales page impact your business? People are visual in nature, due in part to having grown up with television and movies. We are far more receptive to seeing and hearing things.

You want to have your product where people are able to locate it and probably your best bet for this is small business internet marketing. How you actually do this is by using web video content in your marketing.

When faced with a long piece of text to read, in the form of a sales page, we tend to not read all the way through. We like to digest just the best bits and the most important element of all will be the price.

On the other hand, a video of someone talking about a product or service is going to strike a chord with us. If you load your video onto YouTube there is a chance it could become quite popular if people like the content. If this happens you could expect more people to come and visit your website.


Online video as part of small business internet marketing is going to pay dividends for your business and product. It is time to make web video part of your marketing strategy.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

Three Tips for Successful Internet Video Marketing

Internet video marketing has become extremely popular in recent years. It is a successful option for many businesses and very little money can be put into the budget. In fact, some of the most low budget videos often do better due to the increase in viral videos. However, there are some tips to follow when using this option for your business.

Know Your Target Audience

Before you even think about internet video marketing as an option for you, you need to determine your target audience. This will help you determine whether this will work for you. Unfortunately, there are a number of people who will not use websites like YouTube to search for videos and may not use the internet at all.

However, the number of people not using the internet is the minority. Surprisingly, the average person on the internet will watch an amazing 186 videos every month. There are high chances that you will reach out as one of those 186 videos.

Show Off Your Product or Service

While using YouTube marketing, you will need to make sure that you show off exactly what your business is about. There is no point in talking about a product that you sell but not showing it - this will not give the viewer enough information.

If you struggle to do this due to the nature of your service, bring in your staff to talk on your videos. This will put a face to everyone in the office and will give them a chance to share their expertise. This works well in marketing because it shows that you are dedicated to helping with customer satisfaction.

Don't Panic!

When it comes to video marketing, many people start to panic. They will worry about what they are going to say, how they are going to say it and whether they will get their point across clearly. While people like to see flawless videos, this is internet video marketing and not a high end commercial - remember that!

Take your time to make some notes that you want to get across and then talk to the camera as if you are talking to a friend. Relax during the filming and don't worry about stumbling over words. Take a deep breath and talk slowly to get your point across - this will also help to stop any stammering or stumbling. You are human and the people watching your video will remember that. They will know that this is not a commercial with a high budget and highly paid actors - you are the owner of the business so they will expect pauses.

The best thing is that with internet video marketing many viewers will expect you to be human. They will see just who you are and what your business is. That is the main point of the whole exercise - not putting together a flashy, high end video worthy for the TV.

The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   

Ideas in Beautifying a Patio With Minimal Cost

Your family can gather and enjoy in a patio. If you live alone, this part of the house can be the most relaxing for you. This just shows that a patio can be a very good addition in a home. Fortunately, having one built into your home can be made with minimal cost.

Take note that you will not only improve your furniture and patio atmosphere by making everything look beautiful. It should start with the right cleaning methods. A power wash for your patio can readily remove unwanted dirt from the area. This will be best to use if you have stones, bricks, or cemented parts on your patio. There will be no need for you to manually and tirelessly wipe or scrub each and every part. Also, you will have no need for expensive cleaning appliances that won't work as good as power washing.

A good power washing can effectively clean your patio. The result will be a distinct shine that comes with a patio that is free of dirt and dust. You can surely save a lot more money in the long run as this method can effectively maintain and keep your outdoor fixtures in good condition.

After this, reassess the number and type of plants that you have. Determine which ones will stay as they look good and are appropriate in your patio and which ones have to go or be changed. In order to liven up that part of your house, think about adding colorful plants and flowers. However, if you previously had a patio that was adorned with a lot of flowering plants, there might be a need for you to bring back more dull leaves to balance the area. Too much flowers that provide too much color might not always be a good sight to look at.

Place your plants on decorative pots. You can go for the traditional clay pots. But to zest it up, you can have different sizes and shapes of pots. Sometimes, adding a variety to the containers of your plants will help. Aside from pots, you may likewise introduce garden boxes which can be made from wood, cement or bricks.

Also evaluate your patio furniture. If you have old and worn out furniture, you don't necessarily have to throw them out. A little repair here and there might be able to make them serviceable. Repainting them or adding a new coat of finishing on top can make them look new. From the start, consider buying furniture that are durable. If you live in an area with mostly warm climate, you can consider having wicker or wooden furniture. Otherwise, good metal furniture will be a good alternative.

Many consider water fountains a staple fixture in patios. You can have wall, floor or even tabletop fountains to be able to introduce that water element in your house. Instead of having outside fireplaces or another ornament in your patio, you can have fountains. They can be present all year round. You do not need to remove them just to fit the weather that you are currently experiencing.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   The Best Place Settings and Glassware For Your Outdoor Dining Area   

Pergolas for Shading Your Home

If you're tired of using umbrellas to shade and protect your home, maybe it's time to look at alternative shade structures. Yes, most shade structures offer great protection against weather conditions but they can lack the aesthetic depth to give your home and your garden their character. Pergolas offer a wide functionality because you can easily install them anywhere you want to provide shade.

Most pergolas can be found attached to patios or decks because these are the places where most people converge for outdoor entertaining and plain relaxation. As such, you would need to provide as much sunscreen as you can to ensure that you can stay there for longer periods of time. However, you can also use pergolas to define and shade your walkways, as much as protection from the sun and rain. You can also use pergolas to shade your cars, like a carport, if your garage is too full of cars and other equipment. If you have an outdoor Jacuzzi, a pergola is the perfect shade structure for it. It gives you the privacy you need plus it also helps to showcase your Jacuzzi too. You can even install a pergola near your entrance if you don't want the full walkway pergola.

Pergolas can last a long time if you choose the right materials for it. If you want the simple pergolas, you always have a choice of going with the ready-made or fully-built pergolas which you can order from your preferred store. You may even build it yourself or buy assembly kits if you're adept at some carpentry work. However, if you want more professional and high quality pergolas, you would do well to have an expert take you through the process of choosing the right materials and pay them to build them and install them for you.

Also, you need to know which vines will work well with your pergolas, once they're installed. The vines are essentially the ones that provide additional shade in your pergolas so you have to choose well. If you choose the right vines, when they bloom, your patio or deck may even smell naturally fragrant and you won't need to light scented candles. If you have a green thumb, then this is the perfect project for you to handle. But, if you're unsure of what to do, you may need to consult experts in landscaping and gardening to give you the perfect tips for growing the vines and taking care of them.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   The Best Place Settings and Glassware For Your Outdoor Dining Area   Getting to Know the Facts About Patio Umbrellas   Give Your Outdoor Deck or Backyard Retreat a Facelift   

Six Tips For Extending The Life Of Your Wicker Furniture

So, you just purchased a new synthetic wicker furniture set. You know it will look fabulous on your deck or in your sun room. While this type of outdoor furniture may be perfect for your living space, if you want to keep it looking as great as it looks on the first day you brought it home, there are some things you should keep in mind.

Helping Your Furniture Last For Years

If you want your furniture to last for years to come, consider the following tips.

Be Gentle - Cleaning your synthetic wicker furniture is much easier than you might imagine. You don't really need to put your back into it. Be gentle when you are dusting and only use a soft, clean cloth. For outdoor patio furniture, all you'll need is plain soap and water. Your wicker furniture can then be rinsed clean and left to air dry. Don't Overdo It - While there may be occasions when you need to scrub your wicker with a damp cloth, such as when food or sticky juice spills occur, you should never have to completely saturate it or use harsh cleaners. Remember to be gentle with spot removal for your cushions as well. Your cushion covers should come clean with mild detergent or a spot remover safe for upholstery. Moving Your Furniture - When it comes time to move your furniture, don't drag it across the floor or deck. Lift it up. Also, when you set the wicker down, make sure to use rubber stoppers or felt pads to protect the feet of the furniture. Keep Humidity at Bay - Avoid placing your furniture in areas where there is extreme heat and humidity. This can cause the colour of your cushions to fade over time. The synthetic wicker itself is resistant to UV rays and will look like new for years to come, but if you are also concerned about the life of your cushions, you may want to rotate your furniture from time to time. Another option is to purchase an extra set of furniture cushion covers. This will allow you to leave your furniture where you like it best, but also keep your cushions looking bright and new.

If you want your wicker furniture to last for years to come, choosing synthetic wicker is a smart decision. Although this type of material will hold up even when exposed to extreme temperatures and sunlight, make sure you take care of it. Follow these tips and your furniture will continue to look great for years to come.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   Getting to Know the Facts About Patio Umbrellas   

How Is an Outdoor Teak Patio Restored Once the Wood Is Weathered?

Teak also known as ''Tectona Grandis", is one of the most valued hard woods that mainly grow in the Southeast Asia and generally areas with tropical rain forest such as India Malaysia and Thailand. Teak grows up to 40 meters high in a period of 50 years. Its leaves are aligned opposite each other with leaves estimated to be around 6 - 75 cm long and 8 - 45 cm wide while its bark is scaly. It produces a fruit which is yellow in color with hair like structures that are star shaped. Teak wood can be identified by its unique color of golden brown or dark reddish brown.

Other woods are incomparable to teak. Some of its distinguishable qualities include the ability to produce very high oil content which makes it resistant to rot and more so to be water repellent which prevents infestation by insects. It has the ability to avoid succumbing to accumulation by dust when it is joined with metal. Today, teak is used in various capacities, in ship decking, flooring construction such as bridges and importantly for outdoor use mainly furniture because of its weather resistant ability. Teak furniture has a special quality of being warm in color, having a smooth surface and patio furniture is one example of the teak furniture used in producing chairs, garden benches, tables and office desks.

When teak patio furniture has been exposed to prolonged periods in the sun, they age and their color often tends to weather out and become silver gray. To counter this, several methods have been designed to try and restore teak patio furniture, this include:

1. Determine the damages: Being able to identify areas of repair is very crucial so that you can be sure of where to start.

2. Cleaning out the old paint: Taking a soft bristle brush would be perfect for cleaning out the patina. An open space area such as a garage where there is enough ventilation would be best.

3. Apply teak oil or any special solvent: This is useful in making the teak patio furniture brighter and with a stunning luster.

4. Identifying other structural damages: Involves looking up for any cracks or broken points, repair and then smooth the surfaces.

5. Painting and preserving teak patio look: Using a sealant will bring back the natural wood beauty. Either taking it indoors or covering the teak patio furniture with water proof outdoor furniture covers to make it look new and protect from outside elements.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   Getting to Know the Facts About Patio Umbrellas   The Best Place Settings and Glassware For Your Outdoor Dining Area   

Porch Ideas for Houses

Have you always pictured a full wrap around porch on your home? Maybe you are more of a back deck type of person. Whatever your lifelong dreams have been there are a multitude of porch ideas for houses, you simply have to find the right one for you. When it comes to building a porch on an existing home there are a few things you will want to consider before getting started.


Most of the time porch ideas for houses are only limited by your budget! How much can you afford to spend on the remodel? Sit down and go over your finances before you start, how much do you have in savings? Can you take out a home improvement loan to cover the cost? Consider everything and then come up with the maximum amount allowable for this project and realize that staying on budget may be tougher than you think!

Building Codes

Once you have, the money aspect lined out it is time to consider building codes in your area. If you live in a rural area, outside of the city limits, there are fewer restrictions as a general rule. Of course, no matter where you live you need to take the time to find out about ordinances and building codes, depending on your location you may need to purchase permits and submit to inspections both before and after construction.


Now you can get to the fun part, determining which porch ideas for houses best suits your individual tastes and needs. Picture what you want to do with your new porch; is it a place for a nice porch swing or a full patio set with barbeque pit and more? How big does your porch need to be? Will this be a screened in affair or are you more interested in a glass sunroom? As you can see, the possibilities are practically endless!


Do you have an existing porch? Perhaps a screened in porch kit would fit the bill. These kits come with everything you need to convert your existing porch into something a bit more functional. This is one of the more economical choices and depending on the kit you choose can be the simplest choice as well. Most of them will require only basic tools and know how to install.


Porch ideas for houses are varied and range from super simple screened in kits to a full wrap around construction. Carefully consider all your options from the start and the end result will be a porch you enjoy for generations to come. A porch can add value to your home from a real estate standpoint in added square footage all the while providing an outdoor refuge from the cares of the day.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   Getting to Know the Facts About Patio Umbrellas   The Best Place Settings and Glassware For Your Outdoor Dining Area   

Sunshades for the Beach

The beach is a great place where you can enjoy the warm sunshine and work on your tan. You can let loose, wear your favourite swimwear and just bask under the bursting sunshine. Yet, when the scorching heat of the sun is too much for you to handle, what do you do then? Would you let it ruin your trip to the beach?

The answer is, no. What you need to do is to make sure that you are prepared before you even go to the beach. Make sure that you bring sunshades with you. That way, you can stay by the beach, enjoying the glistening water and golden sun, even if the sun is high above.

If you are lounging by the beach on your own, outdoor umbrellas can be good sunshades. In a matter of seconds, you can already have it set up. You can either opt for the one which comes with a base and sand weight so it would not be easily blown off by the wind. To make things easier, you can simply poke the handle through the sand and stay under it to protect yourself from the harsh sun.

Outdoor umbrellas are great for the beach because it is easy to bring along and it does not require complex process just to have it set up. With the different designs and shapes that are available in the market, you can also opt for the one which look really attractive.

If you will be spending time at the beach with the entire family or a bunch of friends, you also have to bring sunshades that can cover a bigger area. There are also pop up cabanas which can fit in several people. These usually comes with a lightweight fabric and easy to assemble poles. Make sure that there are pegs included which will prevent it from being blown off by the wind. To make things even more convenient, there are also carrying cases which will enable you to bring the cabana along without any difficulty.

There are various designs and structure for cabanas. Some have doors and windows which can be zippered. These can be opened to allow air to pass through or closed if privacy is needed. Typically, cabanas do not come with flooring but some has cloth which serves as floor too.

Make your trip to the beach even more enjoyable. With the right sunshades, you would not have to tolerate the scorching heat of the sun. There will be a cool and shaded place where you can have a meal or just relax.

Define Your Outdoor Space With Stamped Concrete Patios   The Reasons Why Outdoor Offset Umbrellas Could Be a Good Choice   How Do Patio Heaters Work?   Getting to Know the Facts About Patio Umbrellas   The Best Place Settings and Glassware For Your Outdoor Dining Area   Patio Lighting Tips   

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